Friday, May 1, 2009

One More To The Family!

So this past weekend, with hitting the Romantic Times Convention with my sister, as well as a full weekend of sewing... we have added a new family member to our lil nest of siblings!

Meet our curious cousin! Tropical Yeti!!!
He is a bit shy and even tried to escape our clutches, but we have caught him well and true! With a strange craving for 'Runts' candies, he stole into our lives and we are going to keep him. ::nod nod::
(My sister was so excited to see the one I made for Matt Griffith, husband to renowed artist Jasmine Beckett-Griffith aka Strangeling, that she has wanted to join me in possibly creating our own online creature factory. That being said, she has wanted to learn to sew for a while now and this was the final straw! She had to make one of her own! And she did, I am so very proud of her!!! Not only learning (and buying) on her own sewing machine, but figuring out how to cut patterns, hand-sew something more than buttons, and finally taking a project from start to finish in less than 2 days!)

More to come regarding that!

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